Children's Mental Health Committee ​​
Formed by the Butte Community Council in response to the early childhood needs assessment, the Children's Mental Health Committee meets monthly to address needs and issues of the youth in our community around mental health care. Access to psychiatric services was a major concern in the community so the CMHC helped to bring tele-medicine to the area and works to connect pediatricians to psychiatric advice. Scroll to see more!
Cont;nue Your Story Campaign
The number of suicides committed in Butte-Silver Bow were a prevalent concern of the CMHC. The Committee decided to launch a campaign now named Cont;nue Your Story to raise awareness of crisis lines available for individuals. Posters, magnets, stickers are available to anyone that would like some!

Mental Health Services Chart
The CMHC realized there was not a comprehensive list of mental health providers in the community available to individuals seeking mental health services. The CMHC decided to compile a list of providers and created the Mental Health Services Chart. Paper copies of the chart are available to anyone!
Circle of parents & other supports
Circle of Parents support group was formed with the support of the CMHC. Montana MSU Extension Kinship Program offers support to caregivers of all types. Read more about the groups below.
Circle of parents
The Circle of Parents group provides a place for parents who have children with special health care needs and/or mental health conditions to come and share common experiences, successes, and challenges through a monthly group meeting created by parents and professionals. Group meets 2nd Thursday each month. Call Travis @ 406-498-3125 or click the following link for more information:
Kinship caregivers
If you are, or know someone who is caring for a relatives or friends child, the Mt Kinship Navigator program can help. They help caregivers obtain, utilize, and sustain the support and help they may need. For more information contact Heidi @ 406-994-3395.
Support groups also available!
Healthy Families network
We supported the creation of the Healthy Families Network. A collaboration between three agencies to provide SafeCare, Nurse Family Partnership, and Parent's as Teachers. These programs provide home visiting to families and work together to support children. As of 2022, only SafeCare and Nurse Family Partnership are being provided.